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Текст (слова) песни: N.e.r.d. - Lapdance

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N.e.r.d. - Lapdance

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Dirty Dog
I`m, I`m a dirty dog
I`m a dirty dog
I`m, I`m a dirty dog
Dirty Dog
I`m a dirty dog
Dirty Dog

I`m an outlaw (I`m an outlaw)
Quick on the draw (Quick on the draw)
Somethin` you`ve never seen before (Never Seen)
And I dare a mother fucker to come in my face
I got somethin` chrome (I got somethin` Chrome)
And I got it from home (I got it from home)
And it ain`t a microphone (Ain`t it a mic!)
And I dare a mother fucker to come in my face
It`s so real
It`s How I Feel
It`s this society
That makes a nigga wanna kill
I`m just straight ill
Ridin` my motorcycle down the streets
While politicians is soundin` like strippers to me
They keep sayin` but I don`t wanna hear it...

Oooh baby you want me?
Oooh baby you want me?
Oooh baby you want me?
Well you can get this lap dance here for free
Now you can get this lap dance here for free
Well you can get this lap dance here for free
Oooh baby you want me?
Now you can get this lap dance here for free

It`s a raw night (It`s a raw night)
Who wants to bar fight? (Who wants to bar fight?)
Well come on alright (Well come on)
And I dare a mother fucker to come in my face
Baseball bats (Baseball bats)
I got somethin` for that ( I got somethin` for that)
It goes bla ka ka kat (You know what that is)
So I dare a motherfucker to come in my face
It`s so real
It`s how I feel
It`s this society
That makes a nigga wanna kill
I`m just straight ill
Ridin` my motorcycle down the streets
While the government is soundin` like strippers to me
They keep sayin` but I don`t wanna hear it

Oooh baby you want me?
Oooh baby you want me?
Oooh baby you want me?
Well you can get this lap dance here for free
Now you can get this lap dance here for free
Well you can get this lap dance here for free
Oooh baby you want me?
Now you can get this lap dance here for free

When you think of Harvey, think of a Harley
Blue denim, spiked wrists and crombie
Lap-screws and tattoos that`s all me
Two guns, both arm`s feelin` like Fonzie
You can find me drunk, whip it it might crash
Or find me chillin with crackers, who like Clash
Find me in court smokin` that nice grass
Burnin` the flag, all in the name of white trash
It`s Harvey baby, Christ on the arm I`m gnarly baby
Fuck with me? Not hardly baby
And you know the flow, im Godly baby
So lets party baby
Chicks nick-name me prador, they get high of my dick
I take `em to my home, they call it the cock pit
Time for take off, their panties they drop quick
Now that`s first class fuckin, and that` some fly shit

Oooh baby you want me?
Oooh baby you want me?
Oooh baby you want me?
Well you can get this lap dance here for free
Well you can get this lap dance here for free
Well you can get this lap dance here for free
Oooh baby you want me?
Now you can get this lap dance here for free


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N.e.r.d. - Lapdance

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N.e.r.d. - Lapdance

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