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Текст (слова) песни: N.W.A - The Dayz of Wayback

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N.W.A - The Dayz of Wayback

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What we gonna do right here is go back...

Now this is some shit that`s from the Dayz of Wayback,
When niggas in Compton first started to jack.
When the bitches wouldn`t give you no pussy if you wasn`t sellin` drug,
So many bitches in my neighborhood got mugged.
They always loved that shit. They want a nigga that`s sellin` Ks.
But nowadays they workin` at Mickey D`s.
But in the Dayz of Wayback
I couldn`t be laid back,
Because I needed ends and I made that.
I get the nine from my nigga that he lend me and
Start robbin` muthafuckas, just like cowboys and indians.
Anything it took to get paid.
A nigga like Ren already had the plane made.
And I was in it to win it and not to lose.
And shit, it start blowin` up, once I lit the fuse.
And police couldn`t touch me because I was payin`em.
But not with no money - Yo, I was frayin`em.
And never get caught because nobody is snitch,
But one hoe did - so Ren had to shoot the bitch!
Now she`s in a coffin and my life is better off and
`Cause everybody knows who`s the bossin`:
That black nigga that they call Ren.
You fuck with me, you gotta fuck with a Mac-10.
So listen to me as I reminisce the Dayz of Wayback...
So check it out y`all...

It was once a time in the Dayz of Wayback
When niggas was gettin` jacked.
In fact it was one I used to pass through up,
And kickin` ass through up.
Muthafuckin` Compton Massacre...
Now let me tell you a little something about Compton
When I was a kid and puttin` my bid in.
Yo, Compton was like still water - just strictly calm.
Now it`s like muthafuckin` Vietnam.
Everybody killin`, tryin` to make a killin`,
Niggas stealin`, muthafuckas willin` to dealin`.
With so many ways to come up
The average nigga didn`t give a fuck
About another muthafucka in this game and
Claimin` what he claimin`,
Livin` like he livin`,
Killin` after killin`.
Murder was a dirty job. To rob a dead man
Was the best plan `cause a dead man never ran.
But now your best friend is your worst friend.
Greed, cash the fee. Make a me more some of what you holdin`.
So now your shit is stolen
And you and your niggas start rollin`.
Yo, to get your shit back ain`t a word of.
Muff? It`s more murder, more murder, more murder.
They wanna make you think that it`s a crack thang,
Or a black thang
Or some niggas in a muthafuckin` gang...
But guns and money they go together like the Ku Klux Klan
A nigga brung up and strung up.
Why do I call myself a nigga you ask me?
Rememberin` the days that`s past me...
Yo, never givin` niggas a chance to rest.
The ghetto is like a fuckin` survival test.
And number one way for you to pass,
Yo, get treated like a king and they`ll crown your ass.
They never in the wrong though,
So I made a song so
Muthafuckas had know
If, yo, livin situations make you wanna get a gat...
That`s `cause you livin` in the Dayz of Wayback...


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N.W.A - The Dayz of Wayback

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N.W.A - The Dayz of Wayback

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