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Текст (слова) песни: N Sync - If I`m not the one

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N Sync - If I`m not the one

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If I`m not the one you want
Take your time to figure out

Hey yeah

I`m staring at your picture every night
The scent of you still lingers in my mind
I wonder if you`re alone and feel alright
And the sun has come out of the clouds

And sometimes when I listen to our song
The night seems so cold and far too long
I wanna call you up cause in the end
I keep writing letters to my garbage can

Lately, feels like I`m going crazy
And baby, come and lay down beside me

If I`m not the one you want, then who`s he?
Take your time to figure out, and you`ll see
If I`m not the one you want, then maybe
I`ll be the one you need

I feel like it`s on you I can depend
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Enough of building castles in the sand
Why can`t we be forever

Lately, feels like I`m going crazy
And baby, come and lay down beside me

If I`m not the one you want, then who`s he?
Take your time to figure out, and you`ll see
If I`m not the one you want, then maybe
I`ll be the one you need (I`ll be the one you need)

If I`m not the one you want, then who`s he?
Take your time to figure out, and you`ll see
If I`m not the one you want, then maybe
I`ll be the one you need..

Somewhere, in the back of my mind (back of my mind)
I know that you will be mine (you will be mine)
Somehow, wish I could rewind (I could rewind)
And leave all the worries behind..

If I`m not the one you want
I`ll be the one you need (I`ll be the one you need)
Take your time to figure out
I`ll be the one you need (I`ll be the one you need)

If I`m not the one you want, then who`s he?
Take your time to figure out, and you`ll see
If I`m not the one you want, then maybe
I`ll be the one you need (I`ll be the one you need)

I`ll be the one you need


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N Sync - If I`m not the one

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Отправь SMS с текстом 55788-113-16180 на номер 5537.

Предложение действительно для Российских операторов.

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N Sync - If I`m not the one

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