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Получи текст песни N Sync And Gloria Estefan - Music Of My Heartна свой мобильный!Отправь SMS с текстом 55788-113-16853 на номер 5537. Предложение действительно для Российских операторов.
You`ll never know What you`ve done for me What your faith in me Has done for my soul... You`ll never know The gift you`ve given me.. I`ll carry it with me (yeah...yeah...) Through the days ahead I think of days before You made me hope for something better (yes you did) And made me reach for something more You taught me to run You taught me to fly Helped me to free the me inside Help me hear the music of my heart Help me hear the music of my heart You`ve opened my eyes You`ve opened the door To something I`ve never known before And your love... (love) Is the music of my heart.. (music of my heart) You were the one Always on my side (always on my side) Always standing by (always standing by) Seeing me through You were the song that always made me sing I`m singing this for you (singing this for you baby) Everywhere I go I think of where I`ve been (think of where I`ve been) And of the one who knew me better Than anyone ever will again You taught me to run You taught me to fly Helped me to free the me inside Help me hear the music of my heart Help me hear the music of my heart You`ve opened my eyes You`ve opened the door (you opened the door) To something I`ve never known before... And your love...(your love) Is the music of my heart What you taught me Only your love could ever teach me You got through when no one could reach me Ohh...ohh...ohh Cause you always saw in me All the best that I could be It was you who set me free... You taught me to run You taught me to fly Helped me to free the me inside (me inside) Help me hear the music of my heart Help me hear the music of my heart You taught me to run You taught me to fly Helped me to free the me inside (me inside) Help me hear the music of my heart (music of my heart) Help me hear the music of my heart You`ve opened my eyes You`ve opened the door (opened the door) To something I`ve never known before (never, never, felt before) And your love... Is the music of my heart.. Music of my heart Music of my heart Is the music of my heart...
Получи текст песни N Sync And Gloria Estefan - Music Of My Heartна свой мобильный!Отправь SMS с текстом 55788-113-16853 на номер 5537. Предложение действительно для Российских операторов. » Юрий Лившиц - Появляется звук... » Юрий Устинов, Владислав Крапивин - Первая песня о ветре » Юрий Панюшкин - Я не слышал, как муха икает... » Юрий Лорес - Телец » Юрий Визбор - На реке Мга » Юрий (Георгий) Аделунг - В лес войдя, что с щедростью наряжен... » Юрий Панюшкин - Стращалка упреждающая » Юрий Кукин - Жизнь, мой путь, увы, исповедим... » Юля Началова - Не печалься, девчонка » Юрий Панюшкин - Янтарь ночи » Юрий Карпов - У меня удар случился апокалипсический... » Юрий Левитанский, Юрий Вайханский - Время бесстрашный художник... » Юрий Визбор - Я бы новую жизнь своровал » Юрий Устинов - Прилечу на рассвете... » Юрий Наумов - Катафалк » Юрий Костров - Империя (отрывок) » Юрий Визбор - Маленький радист » Юрий Устинов - Золото ли мне искать?.. » Юрий Зыков - Ассоль » Юлий Ким - Записка в президиум |
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