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Текст (слова) песни: N-Trance - Staying Alive

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N-Trance - Staying Alive

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Now who got the fever for the flav`,
who can dig the way that I flex on a track , I`m causin` rampage.
Ricky Rick on point with the 9-5 style from my lips,
they`ll be rollin` the mad joints.
So put your hands in the air,
cuz there`s a party over here,
So grab yourself a beer
and we can get the fever on,
I`m with it
so let me put my big brown beaver on.
I`m comin` with the disco,
I can flip so,
I`m a drop the solo tip,
Somethin` for the honeys in the crowd,
lend me your ear
so I can turn the party out,
til tomorrow afternoon
cuz when I grips my steel no one leaves the room,
so tell me can you feel the
mad skills comin` with the fever, fever, fever

Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive, stayin` alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive, stayin` alive.
Ah-ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive, stayin` alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive.

Step to the side
You`d better run and hide
Move to the side
Ev`rybody wants to stay alive.

Everybodys in the house,
we had to run this back,
so you can break your flares out.
N-Trance and the only one.
We got it goin` on
so let me get my flowin` on,
Its a blast from the past and you heard of
me and the boyz comin` down with murder,
and its gotta be the way,
everybody wants to make a move so just party.
And we can have a jam,
so get your move on, I`m a take this groove and slam,
flip it how we want it flipped from the back to the front when I drops me the manuscript,
cuz I got the moves
and I`m always done my flow with the crazy crazy grooves,
so tell me can you feel the
mad skills comin` with the fever, fever, fever

Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive, stayin` alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive, stayin` alive.
Ah-ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive, stayin` alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin` alive.

Step to the side
You`d better run and hide
Move to the side Ev`rybody wants to stay alive.

Everybody in da house come on an let me hear ya say oh ho (OH HO)
Everybody in da house come on an let me hear ya say ho ho (HO HO)
Everybody in da house come on an let me hear ya say oh ho (OH HO)
Everybody in da house come on an let me hear ya say ho ho ho (HO HO HO)
Its about time
everybody in the house bust a move to my vicious raw rhymes,
Ricky Rick on a tip with my boyz bringin` disco noise as I drop the wickedness,
gettin` sharp with the flow,
we took a Bee Gees loop and broke it down like Lego,
a disco lick that deeper,
cuz we gotta get with the fever, fever, fever


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N-Trance - Staying Alive

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N-Trance - Staying Alive

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