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Текст (слова) песни: N.W.A - Dopeman

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N.W.A - Dopeman

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Verse One: Ice Cube

It was once said by a man who couldn`t quit
Dope man please can I have another hit
The dope man said cluck I don`t give a shit
If your girl kneels down and sucks my dick
It all happened and the guy tried to choke her
Nigga livin in cash selling to smokers
That`s the way goes that`s the name of the game
Young brotha gettin over by slangin cane
Gold around his neck 14 k he has it
Bitches on his dick 24-7 plus he`s makin
Money keepin tha base heads waiting
Rollin 6.4. wit tha fresh ass daytons
Livin in Compton, Cailfona CA
His uzi up yo ass if he don`t get paid
Nigga begging for credit he`s knockin out teeth
Clockin much dollars on tha 1st and 15th
Big wad of money nuttin less than a twenty
Yo you want a five-oh the dope man gots plenty
To be a dope man boy you must qualify
Don`t get high off your own supply
From a kid to a G it`s all about money
10 peace base pipe comes free
If people out there are not hip 2 tha fact
If you see some one gettin money 4 crack he`s


dope man dope man
hey man give me a hit
dope man dope man
hey yo fuck that shit
dope man dope man
we just can`t quit
dope man dope man
well suck this bitch

Verse Two: Ice Cube

(dr dre)

wait a minute who tha fuck are you talkin 2 do u know who i am
i can`t believe this this bitch iz tryin 2 gank me
i`ll slap you up side yo head wit 9 inches of limp dick

[Ice Cube]

you need a nigga wit money so u get a dope man
juice that fool 4 has much as u can
she likes his car and he gets wit her
got a black eye cuz tha dope man hit her
let that slide and u pay it no mind
find he`s slapping u all tha time
that`s ok cuz he`z rich and u ain`t
nuttin but tha dope man`z bitch do what he say and
u keep yo mouth shut popin that trash
might get you fucked up you`ll sit and cry
if tha dope man strikes you he don`t give a fuck
he gots 2 just like you
There`s a another girl in tha dopeman`s life
Not quite a bitch but far from a wife
shes called strawberry and everybody know
strawberry strawberry iz tha neighborhood hoe
do any thing for a hit are 2 give tha bitch a rock
and she will fuck your hole damn crew
it might be yo wife and it might make u sick
come home and see her mouth on tha dopeman`s dick
strawberry just look around you`ll see her
But don`t fuck around she`ll give you gonnorhea
if people out there ain`t hip to the fact
strawberry iz a girl selling pussy 4 crack


dope man dope man
hey man give me a hit
dope man dope man
hey yo man fuck that shit
dope man dope man
in yo face
hey yo dre bring in tha bass

Eazy E (as mexican guy):

hey mr dope man you think
your slick you sold crack 2 my sister and now shes sick but if she
happens 2 die becuzz
of yo drug i`m puttin in yo quto a 38 slug


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N.W.A - Dopeman

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N.W.A - Dopeman

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